
About us - Live Beyond Life Foundation

About LBL Foundation

We have thought through our name as we help everyone make an action plan to “Live After Death” through organ donation.

All must face death, an inevitable eventuality, at an unknown time.

And what better deed, at the end, of an eventful life journey?

You leave some organs behind to give LIFE to those who need it, rather than turn them into soil or ash.

We need not waste the organs by burial or cremation after we care for them all our lives to keep them healthy.

Organ donation extends our life on earth and prevents waste after we die.

An eye to the cornea blind, skin to burn patients, a kidney to one who needs daily dialysis at great cost, or a transplanted heart, liver, or lung are ways a dead person can live through organ donation.

What can be better than your heart beating inside someone who needs it the most -as your legacy or precious gift of life to a fellow human being who needed your heart the most after you? 

Indeed a “Karma”, a last best deed “TO GIVE” as your last Will and Testimony.

You need to Give others all your life, but this “GIVE” of donating your organs to needy people will be the epitome of donation.

Surpassing all your lifelong good deeds and by which you will ensure that you will “Live Beyond Life.”

Our objectives:

  1. We pledge to spread awareness amongst the community, to give life and an improved lifestyle to the ones who need organ transplants and to improve the lives of their families.
  2. We promote healthy organ maintenance by educating people to prevent heart disease and diabetes to protect their kidneys and other vital organs to reduce the demand for organ replacements.
  3. We shall sponsor cadaver transplants among patients who cannot afford expensive transplants and maintenance by matching the data with zonal transplant coordination centres (ZTCCs).

With the above objectives, the Live Beyond Life Foundation ensures a better quality of life for people needing organ donations and prevents thousands of deaths from organ shortage.

Each brain-dead donor can save the life of a minimum of eight lives when the former’s life support system keeps the latter’s vital organs functioning.

After the death of a person, their families can donate their eyes and skin by contacting the Life Beyond Life Foundation, which arranges the collection of those organs from the deceased person’s home.

Let us pledge to Save Lives and LIVE BEYOND LIFE together.

Our trustees:

Harminder Singh Patheja, Managing Trustee

Rotarian Harminder Singh Patheja is a Don Bosco High School alumnus, R. A. Poddar College graduate with business and export business management diplomas.

He has four decades of experience in the international and Indian markets as the Chairman of Benssons Group of Companies in Manufacturing, Marketing, Advertising and Branding.

He has been an active member of the Rotary Club of Bombay West District 3141 since 1993 and was President in 2017-18. Earlier, he was a Jaycee International member from 1976 to 1992 and President in 1988 of North Bombay Jaycees, the largest Jaycee Club in India with over 450 members.

His involvement in community projects and individual development programs started very young. He was the Vice President of the student’s union at R.A Poddar College from 1975-1976 and was the best college student that year.

He is a Paul Harris Society Member.

Since 2017-18 he has been passionate in the Rotary District to create awareness about organ donation to save lives, for which he would appeal to fellow Rotarians to pledge to donate their skin and eyes after death and “live beyond life.”

After working diligently as a Rotarian for five years to spread community awareness for organ donation, he felt the urgent need to amplify his efforts.

He joined hands with Rotarian Ashok Deora to establish the Live Beyond Life Foundation to expand the reach of his organ donation awareness and impact.

Ashok Deorah, Trustee

Ashok Deorah completed his B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering at Benares Hindu University.

He worked for the Piramal and Aditya Birla Group of companies for two decades and was a director at Real Value Appliances for eight years.

The President of India awarded him in 1987 for operating the safest mines in the country.

He has been a Rotarian since 2000, President in 2012, and a Club Trainer, Assistant District. Governor, Avenue Chair and Advisor to the Governor at the Rotary Club.

At the Rotary Club, he started the Cochlear Implant initiative for the hearing impaired in 2012.

In 2012 with his wife, he started the Sparsh Trust, which operates four schools affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education, enrolling more than 2000 students annually.

As a trustee of The LBL Foundation, he creates organ donation awareness.